
By andyclicks


Well its a late one so i'll fill in this in a second just to make sure its uploaded

okay so just had a thought cause i thought i was going to lose my blip every day chain. then i realised its going to end on next friday. we have our prom that day. and i won't be returning home from prom until the saturday, when i will have a 'concert' that night so i may not blip that night either. :|

unless i blip earlier in the day on friday, which'll be a shame not to be a prom picture but it'd be a blip of the day. and then do the same on the saturday, blip a photo from before the concert, could do that, what do you reckon

anywayss yeah i had another concert this evening, which was quite sad and is the reason for the late blip. it was our last wamc concert of the academic year, and means that quite a number of us will be leaving as they are all oldies, which is quite sad. but leaves us youngens to step up and fill their shoes

it went quite well actually and i was really pleased with how everything sounded

and NO there wasn't a duck at the concert, this morning after rehearsals i walked home and saw some ducks by the river and went home got some bread came back and fed them, they rewarded me with a couple of hundred photos ;)

but i had no time to edit them all tonight and then choose some, so i only edited 2 duck pictures and just chose this one cause i quite liked the detail in it

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