
By andyclicks

Fathers Day

Bit of a quiet day today, generally. Woke up fairly early for some reason, well not early but early considering I had no real reason to be up. We decided to go to the Weald and Downland today as they had a selection of 'Fathers Day Activites'. Namely shooting, tractors, and circus acts? I also popped in on the cafe there, where I applied for a job recently. However received no news from that, but apparently there has been a lot of interest. So chances of me getting it are fairly slim.

After that we went to Amberley. (stopped at McDonalds on the way). We went to the crematorium to replace my great grandmother & father's cross. We'd taken it down as it was quite wobbly and a bit downcast, so we cleaned it up a bit, renovated it and fitted it to a concrete post. This did involve digging into the grave, which did feel a little weird.

Anyways, next we went for a walk around Amberley chalkpits which was lovely, however for some reason I was feeling kind've drained and weak at this point. I think I was just tired out from last week, and catching up on that, but might've caught a cold too. But when we got home, slightly damp (it'd been raining on the hills), I fell straight asleep until dinner and that was that.

This photo is of an owl. Obviously. This was at the Weald and Downland this morning, they had a couple of owls and birds of prey in the tent, waiting to do 'performances' later in the day. But we didn't stay that long. Seeing these owls though however sparked my 15 year old sister into wanting a pet owl. (can't quite see that happening). Today's photo came to quite a split, there were a few nice photos and it was between this and another photo I really liked taken at the Weald and Downland. But hey ho, i'm happy.

Happy Father's Day Blippers

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