Chipmunks in my bed!

...yes thats right.

You see there are chipmunk tuffs everywhere up here. In fact I even room with a few of them. They gnawed a hole in the edge of the screen door and come in and out at will. Kind of like a "wild" pet door. There is a deer mouse I share my cabin with this spring too. They usually don't bother me much. I even appreciate their company and antics. Usually.

The chipmunks are a handful sometimes. Hyper active rascally pip-squeeks of fur. Some mornings I wake up to them wrestling beside my bed and have to yell at them to calm down. "Enough already guys! CoOOL it...I'm trying to sleep..." Napping one afternoon I even woke to one crawling over my foot they are so tame with me. When I propped my head up to look. He shot up a foot in the air in surprise and then ran around the perimeter of the covers jumping off right by my head shooting me a scolding look before darting through the door hole. Chipmunks in my bed!

...the other day took the cake though. I was looking through a book and noticed one of them padding around between my feet. Trotting over to the door hole he kept trying to nudge through but his cheeks were stuffed full like duffel bags and he couldn't wedge his way. So after a while he disgorged some things to make room, little brown almond shaped things....looking strangely familiar. Just like the caramel cinnamon almond goodies I bought at the co-op in Petoskey last week. Hmmm, I went over to check and you guessed it he had gotten into my dresser and raided the whole bag. There was hardly anything left!

Laughing out loud I sent him scampering away but instead of dropping his treasure he kept running around the cabin unable to escape and unwilling to relinquish his goodies. It was hilarious. I could see his little chipmunk mind turning over.....escape!....but food...escape!...mmm, caramel cinnamon almonds. Oh man. Finally he threw some loot overboard allowing him to make his escape through the hole in the door just fitting through ducking out and bounding off to the woods.

Roommates! Its like I'm living with a bunch of wild animals....sheeeesh.

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