Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Just call him sir.

Went to see one of my heroes in the Edinburgh Film Festival tonight.

He's had a fair bit of public flak recently, but I still love Sir Patrick Stewart. He's the absolute epitome of 'versatile actor' and is fantastic whether he's being dramatic, funny or simply hilariously camp.

He was in the first Star Trek I really loved (til I found Voyager) and cliche though it may sound, was a real inspiration and a bit of a childhood hero when I was young.

My photo simply isn't as catching as Acronymphomania's but his kit it worth about £1800 more than mine. ;)

He discussed his work in the theatre versus his screen work and who and what inspires him. Very different to what I'd been expecting but he was great. They showed old clips of I, Claudius which I really want to see now and they discussed his work doing Hamlet with David Tennant (I may need to get over my hatred of Tennant to watch it since I do really enjoy Hamlet).

We had a lovely evening and mum treated myself, my friend and A to dinner afterwards. What a lovely lady she is. :)

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