A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Wild roses

This is to become a favourite tree I think.
I had to take this route today to get to my hairdresser's in town as the bridge on our nearest route is still closed. I slowed here to see if there was any sign of the Hare I saw last week. No sign I'm afraid but I spotted these wild rose bushes on the roadside and in the field. I thought they would make a good foreground.

Of course the one on the roadside had a telegraph pole in the way so I climbed the dry stone wall - quite dodgy - and trekked up the field, aware that I was trespassing, for this shot. Not sure if it was worth it but I like the linear walls across the fields and definitely like this tree..

Got my comeuppance on the way back, my flip flops had no grip and I slid down the hill on my bottom, grazing my arm against the rose bush thorns on the way. The things one does for a blip!!

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