Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

I fail

I was supposed to report on how I am doing with my no-multitasking week. Well, let the title tell.

Everything seemed to go rather well until I came home. What I have found a good way to help not to multitask is to limit my usage of cellphone. I have it in silent mode (someone might argue that that's not why we have those phones) - once I have done what I am concentrating on, I shall see all the missed calls & SMSes. And reply to those given I have time to concentrate on it.

This has worked brilliantly.

And, to going even further, I have stopped using automatic download of emails to the cellphone. So, again, when I have time to spend for emails and I am not next to my computer, then I manually update the mails. So, no distractions by means of notification of new mails.

When I'm concentrating on something, I don't want to know that Mr X sent me an email. It's not something I need to handle at the very second.

And then I got home. Having my phone in silent.

How refreshing it is to fully concentrate all my energy to the little princess? So, no reading of any magazines while being with her. Not even watching the Soccer World Championships. WHOA! This is heavy. Worth every minute of it!

This sounds like I'm doing great. But how did I fail then?

You see it in the picture - this was taken while I was with the little princess. This thought quickly came to my mind out of nowhere: "I'll just take few pictures of her while she is busy with the toy. No harm done." It ended up to a photo shoot lasting for 24 minutes.

While being with her.
But I wasn't with her, I was with my camera.

The picture depicts how the story ended.

I failed.

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