Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen


Today we went for a picnic into a local open-air swimming pool. We had with us different vegetables made ready to be eaten; carrots, cucumber, blood grapefruits and oranges.

Also our friends came there to enjoy the sunny weather. In the picture holding the little princess you see mr A, godfather of her. Behind him (and the pram) lies mr. K.

The little princess seems to become bigger and more interested in the surroundings every day. It's so lovely to spend time with her. Uninterrupted time. Non-multitasked time.

Still going strong with my no-multitasking week. One SMS sent while doing other stuff. Otherwise I am pretty pleased with myself.

And, thanks to your kind words on yesterday's blip, I decided grant me permission to multitask a little while being with Tiia, namely take photos of her. So, thank you!

Hopefully I still know my limits and don't make another 20+ minutes photo shoot. Just few minutes should be enough.

H. loved being able to go for a swim. It is lovely & good exercise.

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