SSM: Small System Manipulation...

The other week I managed a couple of pretty successful manipulations of systems around people without their knowledge. Nothing immoral or anything but just wee tinkering of variables to change results I get back.

Does it sound all technical and complicated? It's not really and based on some pretty mundane everyday things but I liked the way I was able to get results from people without them knowing I'd managed it.

I sometimes don't have time to watch DVDs right through so I watch them in wee spurts. My DVD player can be powered down in the middle of a film and still retain the place I was at unless it gets unplugged. It is in the same area where other appliances go used and I kept losing the DVD place because it got unplugged to use other said appliances.

It seemed to me a bit pernickety on my part to ask the other appliance user to change the socket used so I decided to work the system around it. Simply moving the DVD onto a socket on the otherside of the socketboard and it gets left plugged in keeping my place in the DVDs if required.

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