Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

The calm before ...

My garden is at its loveliest at this time of year, and evening is probably my favourite time of day to be in it.

Tomorrow, builders are moving in to repair the roof and build us a new terrace with an awning over part of it. Our current terrace has been crumbling for years. The peonies will get trampled and the flower beds buried in rubble, although we're relieved that the work is finally getting done. Our dog Mia will initially be puzzled by the invasion, but she'll be delighted to have two new people to *play* with. Let's hope the builders feel the same way.

Thinking calm(ish) thoughts, aided by a large shot of frozen Stolichnaya - neat, of course.

p.s. Photo taken using nothing more than waning evening light. No post-processing, mainly because I don't know how to do that fancy stuff.

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