Compost Mentis

By megatonlove


Can anyone guess what object this is? Come back tomorrow and all will be revealed!

I had no idea what to blip today as I was feeling twitchy watching our builders twiddling their thumbs because construction materials were delivered very late. There was this uneasy lull with building work about to begin but not having quite begun yet. Does that make sense to anyone? Probably not, but I'm too tired to explain.

Today I photographed a commonplace object and was quite stunned by the resulting image. I did nothing but point my camera and click. I don't use filters and don't know how to photoshop, so what you see here - and in all my other blips, in fact - is simply what comes out of my camera. Just got lucky, I guess.

Apologies for being a bit too distracted at the moment to comment much, but would like to thank all of you for stopping by.

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