A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

All change please

Tonight's blip is dedicated to Claire, our three days a week nanny of three years plus, who had her last official day with us today. Claire has been a big part of all our lives and the relationship she has with both J and A is amazing. Not to mention the great support she has been to aid with the relatively smooth running of our lives. And the fact she's just been nice to have around.

We've all known about this for a long time, it was a planned leaving as, come the autumn, both kids will be in full time school. And before that there's a summer of fun to be had. It's taken a while for me to get my head around it all as in many ways me and my work are the most impacted. But get my head around it I have and I am set for a light summer workload, followed by who knows what come the autumn. All seems a long way off and for now my main emotion is excitement about the summer and all the bonus kiddie and family time it will bring.

The kids have struggled more to get their head around it. Not being focused so much on the practicalities of life, in their world they will simply be seeing less of someone important to them. The strength of their reaction is testament to Claire and the relationships she has formed with them. I know she is sad to go but I hope that is some comfort to her. However, we have made plans for outings and Claire's new job is with a family in the same school so we'll still see her around.

We marked the occasion with pizza at Franca Manca's, Anna's restaurant of choice. Here is Claire reading from a book J made for her about their outing to the beach of a few weeks ago. I guess this was a funny bit!

Lesley x

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