A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A step too far?

Possibly. But with 9 people to be showered and 2 bathed, all dressed in their finery and fed and out of the house by 1pm tomorrow we're hoping it will help. Carl has quite strong opinions on the order, I think people should choose. Well, within reason, obviously those filling in their names later will have less choice.

This weekend is my brother's wedding, our school fair and our street party. Needless to say today has been a tad busy but did involve lots of baking which was very enjoyable. Whenever I bake I think I should do more of it. Anyway, very productive day and I think we're there now.

I'm having a little pre-dinner lie-down whilst Carl makes us a fish curry. After having an annoying cough for two weeks I finally went to the docs this evening to find I have the lesser spotted summer chest infection - new one on me. I am now armed with an inhaler and antibiotics. Another new thing for me, I have to keep covered up as apparently these antibiotics make my skin sensitive to sunlight. At least it explains why I've been so exhausted this week. Or I hope it does cus that means I'll soon be bounding around like Tigger which would be fun.

Happy Friday / weekends
Lesley x

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