a town called E.

By Eej

These are the walls ...

'Hi, how are you?'

'Not too bad, thanks, yourself?'

'I'm fine! Are you taking pictures?'

'Yes, yes *looks at camera* I am.'

'Of that wall?'

'Yes, indeed, of that wall.'

'Must be for a photography class or sumthing'

'No, no, not really. I just really like this wall.'

*odd stare*

Tyler Field. Officially George W. Tyler* Athletic Field. Established 1925.
Now home to a kid's playground, PPYB tournaments and joggers.

And I REALLY like this wall. It's amazing. My photo does not do it justice.

*who was maybe, possibly a Michigan grocer. Why he'd have an athletic field named after him, I don't know. We're still searching.

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