Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

It's Not My Fault...

...that the blind on the left is too short for the window.

C and I spent hours on the Internet finding a replacement for the original heavy faux (I prefer "fake") wood blinds. They were so heavy it was hard for C to pull them up, and the cord lock mechanism was worn, so they wouldn't stay all the way up. We couldn't find the same size locally without custom ordering, and we didn't want the additional expense and the wait. It was much cheaper to buy two narrower blinds that were in stock at one of the local big-box stores.

Off I went to the store this afternoon with a copy of the Web page showing the model we'd chosen. I handed it to the "associate" who volunteered to find what I needed. He promptly pulled a box off the shelf and handed it to me for inspection. I checked the item number and dimensions, and said I needed two.

With both boxes safely stowed in my shopping cart, I indulged myself by looking at power tools, and found a bargain I couldn't resist. That will be the subject of another blip.

When I hung the first blind and found it was the wrong size, I was very unhappy. I might have said some naughty words. It means another trip to the store, but I won't have to remove and replace the brackets, and the money I saved on the other item I bought is more than adequate consolation for the aggravation.

Win some, lose some!

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