$$$$$ / £££££

OK, firstly I've stuffed up on my Blip dates. Just changed the 19th and 20th because I was a day ahead of myself. That's what jet-lag does to you, nothing to do with the alcohol! In the process I managed to lose all the comments that were left on my Flamingo and Grand Canyon Blips. :-( So if you fancy going back and re-writing them....that would be great!!

Moving on... The two items in this Blip aren't linked, in case any of you are thinking that I might be moonlighting in Vegas!!

This was taken just three hours after yesterday's blip. Same night out but either side of midnight. Linds' birthday rolled into mine and so far, so good! The sign was my first pressie, (nothing to do with Shrek I hasten to add) from George & Gemma. I think that will have to come to India with me.

The $200 was my second b'day pressie. Fairy Godmother/Right place right time, call it what you like, but I was spending my $20 on roulette this morning, (which I doubled) when a rather nice fella playing alongside me, who had just doubled his $100 bet on red, decided to give me his two $100 chips. Just like that! He said "Here, you'll have more fun with this, go ahead, take it!" and walked away! I was gobsmacked. As were Stu, J, Dan, Pam and Linds, who were watching me play the table. Hahahahahaha!!! Happy Birthday ME!!

I'm off to sleep now, it's 4am. Back for more celebrations later! :-)

Vivaaaaaaaaaa Las Vegas.......

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