Gardner Nate

This is my friend Nate. Nate the voyageur, Nate of the six toes, Nate the gardner.

In an effort to go local, go healthy, reach out, and get on board the food movement at the prompting of students the station has gotten a garden and gotten Nate. He is a friend from Ann Arbor and from up here in springs past. He is a wonderfully funny and compassionate person and a great storyteller. Nate radiates positive energy and just leaves me feeling good about the world. I wish there were more people like him.

This morning we harvested the first veggies ready for eating in the garden. A whole bin of leafy green bok-choi bunches, radishes, and salad greens. It was so nice walking in the sunshine and harvesting fresh food together. There are rows of lettuce, onions, beets, radishes, and turnips. Blueberry bushes and strawberries line the fence that keeps out the deer. Three sisters mounds like the Native Americans used to plant, corn, squash, and beans rise out of the back field. And pumpkin, squash, carrots, and rhubarb crisscross the garden in a quilt of food growing out of the warm black soil.

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