Out to sea

Quiet day. Down by the lake swimming day. Reading my book and grading papers day. A study day, for our students at least. The final exam is tomorrow morning, though the ethnobotony class finished today. They are already celebrating out on the lake this twilight eve.

So they wouldn't be too much of a distraction to those still studying Scott and Matt took the class out in the pontoon boats for a sunset cruise around the lake. Reading by the dock I helped push them off and snapped this shot waving farewell and congrats (!)

In the evening all was quite with everyone so purposefully intent studying about nitrogen cycles and plant-animal defenses and why the world works as it does. Katie, Luke, Marshall, Amanda and I, all the TA's gathered round our favorite spot by the lakeshore by the cabins. We geeked out on old Karl Sagan episodes and watched the light show of the milky way. The lake a reflection of the cosmos framed by the gnarled branches of the ancient oak tree. Completely galactic.

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