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The day started out a little gray and cool...but I also knew that today was the first day of u-pick at a local strawberry field near our house*. After getting some things done around the house, that's what I decided to do. It took me about an hour, but I picked 10.5 pounds of strawberries! We enjoyed some as our lunch today and now they are all cleaned, cut and stored in the fridge for eating anytime! The lady who owns the farm told me that due to the late arrival of the berries (more rain and less sun than normal), she expects to have them for at least another month! Hooray...that means I will definitely be back...and I'm sure by then I will be competing for the juiciest ones with a lot of other customers. Hopefully by next week she will also have raspberries to pick! Summer I come!

*I was able to visit a u-pick field with my son and daughter-in-law in Williamsburg, VA back in May and we picked quite a few then. I do believe they were enjoying them long after I returned home!

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