Life & times of the B-H's

By SarahOberon

'celebrating excellence'

at Ufton Court.

My mum works (in her retirement) for the local agricultural society heading their education committee. As part of that she liases with local schools and hosts demonstrations of all things agricultural in said schools.

Yesterday I was volunteered to help at a day displaying what local schools can do to improve their extended curriculum at a place called Ufton Court. It is a lovely place that amounst other things does residential stays for local schools, like taster school trips before they do the bigger longer ones.

We actuallhad a lot of fun,met some owls and other birds of prey, a slow worm, a v larger steady horse called Samson and loads of kids of all ages.

I just loved the colour in the 'parachute' and with the pop art setting it really popped! Alfie was beside himself with excitement, clapping, laughing and as always setting off 'that way!!!'

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