A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts


an apparatus consisting of an object mounted so that it swings freely under the influence of gravity

So, after two nights sleeping in their hen house with the auto open/close door, the chicks have not quite got it figured out, but they are close. Today I caught a couple of them taking an afternoon snooze just inside the house watching the others peck around outside. I had very high hopes that they would strut their stuff right up the ladder into safety tonight before the door closed. My Taxman adjusted the timer on the auto door so that they would have plenty of time before dark and we watched and waited. They didn't quite get it. It got darker and darker and they got more and more distressed as they huddled into a corner of the run staring at our back door, no doubt waiting for their mama (i.e., me) to put them somewhere safe.

So I got on my hands and knees and placed each one inside the hen house, which they verbally complained about...chirp, chirp, chirp. I had to hold my hand to block the doorway so they didn't run back out for a few minutes - just long enough to get 19 mosquito bites (me, not them). Then they decided it was a good place to be and huddled quietly into a corner. They are not quite big enough to roost yet, I guess. All is well, while that pendulum swings, back and forth, back and forth. All due to the influence of gravity, apparently.

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