Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Nap Time

This evening I properly entertained in my new flat for the first time. I'd had family over for dinner but never friends. So I invited my lovely friends Why, PoRu and J over from Glasgow, I also had my friends N and J over and of course George had to come too.

I missed the canal festival and raft racing in the afternoon because I was busy cooking and cleaning but thankfully post dinner snake play time provided me with plenty of opportunities for a blip. Having had an hour and a half of play time before dinner and then an hour or so after dinner, Milo eventually decided to try and sleep in J's hands. Here she is curled up with George, she covers her head to sleep because they have no eyelids to keep the light out.

George is currently 3 foot long and 800g whilst Milo is a rather petite 2 foot and 211g so he dwarfs her in this shot. It won't be long though before she's the same size and then bigger than him and she'll be the one curling round him. You can really see the difference in the colour variations in this shot. George is a Mojave morph and therefore far more silver/lemon than Milo.

I got some other cute snake shots (bottle, glass, wine) but thought it only fair to blip one of one of my guests.

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