For Carrie

This is definitely not the greatest picture I've ever posted, but it has great significance, especially for our granddaughter who planted it in our back yard when she was in preschool. She remembers receiving the seedling on Earth Day, and she wanted to know why they didn't give them seeds instead of seedlings if they really wanted them to grow trees from scratch. Somehow to her, planting a baby tree seemed like cheating, and she wanted seeds instead. She also remembers that it was just about her height when she was in third or fourth grade, but "since then it outpaced me." The tree is still growing in our backyard, but Carrie has transplanted herself to Los Angeles. Somehow it seems important to me that she created this memory many years ago, and I can see a reminder of the child she was when I look out my dining room window. If I look to the opposite corner of the yard, I can see the companion to this tree, an almost identical evergreen her brother planted two years later when he was in preschool. I'll have to blip his tree another day.

Today has been a very hot sticky day on the shores of Lake Erie, but a thunderstorm blew in this evening, and the temperature plummeted from a sultry 89 degrees to a much more comfortable 78 degrees in a matter of a half hour or so. Ah, what a relief! It's almost bedtime again. I can't help wondering how the days go by so quickly. Night, Blipfriends. See you tomorrow.

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