Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Green Roofs

This afternoon, C and I went to three of the homes on the Sustainable Connections 8th annual Imagine This! Home and Landscape Tour. It's all about "green" building and landscaping.

I was intrigued by these vegetated roof tiles I saw at the nursery where we went to buy my tour ticket. (C, the more organized one, bought hers in advance.) I'd seen photos of roofs with plants growing on them, but didn't realize you can buy specialized roof covering already planted. This link has information on one brand of material.

I think it's a great concept, but a bit too pricey for the average homeowner. The $24.99 price per tile on the sign works out to about $20/sq ft, or $215/sq m, although it mentioned quantity discounts. I don't know how much you'd save if you grew your own plants.

We have a green roof. It's not as efficient as this product, but it didn't cost anything -- it's called moss.

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