Kgomotso again!

This little sunshine is visiting her Granny again, her Mom came, with her, to be with Lillian while we were away at Mt Amanzi, and they will stay until Wednesday, when Lillian will go home, to Orkney, with them.

C&R snr bought her this little pink 'cellphone' filled with sweeties and with a 'tweeting' keypad, a soft teddy and an educational toy in the form of a wooden box with wooden puzzle pieces to be fitted on the lid! I actually think the latter will only be appreciated a wee bit later, since she is only 22 months old at this stage, but she loves the teddy and 'cellphone'!

Lilly will stay a week, she can't wait to go, because she really misses her other three granddaughters, and of course, the little 'King' of the house, the new born, only grandson! Granny Lilly hasn't seen him since almost two months ago, he was born on 18 April, she went down to see him a day after his birth and stayed for a week, which means she is going to be stunned at how he's changed in the first two months of his life! ;-)

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