
By grounded

Genesis 24

Today I got up early as hubby went off to beam at the early service. I tinkered with my sermon for the evening. Then headed out myself to the 11am service.

I spent the afternoon tinkering some more with my sermon then printed it out and headed off to preach at Thatcham Baptist Church which was a church plant from NBC in the 80s. They are currently seeking a new minister and ours is their moderator. So we are helping out with some of their services.

Our minister came with his guitar and lead the worship with one of my friends to sing. Then I preached on Genesis 24... which by the way is the longest chapter in Genesis! How did I end up with that?

It went well and I had some positive feedback which was good. I also got an assessment for filled in so I can use it for my next module at Spurgeon's which is preaching.

Oh the blip... yes well, the book on the left I used a bit to start my sermon, the paper in the middle is my sermon (all 25 pages) and on the right... well of course that's my pink camouflaged NLT Bible!

All in all a good day!

Oh there was some football thing on, but being Scottish I didn't take much notice!

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