Lager Lager...

I finally got my hands on the two tickets that I won back in March for the Open'er Festival, which kicks off on Thursday.

Decided against camping though, - been there done that - I am perfectly happy to settle in to a comfortable bed, in a friend of a friend's flat, complete with running water, electricity and all the other things a tent doesn't have, for the long weekend. I'm taking the motor on her first proper venture outside of Warsaw too. Whilst I did brave the snowy roads out to a nearby forestry back in the winter, this is a proper 5-6 hour journey that I'm undertaking, so am google-mapping and playlisting-choons, for the adventure north.

Looking forward to dipping my toes into the Baltic Sea too. The days will be free, so some coastal towns and beach-time is at the top of the list. Am really looking forward to my mini-holiday at the sea-side. It's about time I saw a bit more of Poland.

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