Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Dinner Time for Jack and Annie

C and I went to choose a gas fireplace for the basement this morning. That didn't take very long -- we'd talked about our requirements and knew exactly what we wanted. After that we had lunch and did the monthly shopping at Trader Joe's. I don't usually enjoy going to grocery stores, but Joe's is not your run-of-the-mill grocery store. They had good prices on some Belgian beers today that I hadn't seen before. That alone made the trip worthwhile.

I spent the afternoon and early evening (minus time for a nap) sorting and clearing out my office to make room for some of the stuff we have to move out of the basement. I'm starting to enjoy getting rid of things that I should have gotten rid of a long time ago. It should make it much easier to keep track of the things I really need.

I'd decided I wasn't going to blip today, but after I got Jack and Annie in position to wait while I prepared their dinner, I grabbed the camera and fired off a couple of quick shots. You can see they weren't very happy about the delay.

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