on my way to Norway

Today I started to prepare my hiking trip to Norway. Interesting trip ahead, being a guide for 7 people.

Haven't yet dried any food. Nor have I decided the menu for myself. Remark to self, decide the menu for the hiking trip next week.

Though, I have already some plans concerning the food. I am hoping that I have enough time to dry minced meat, reindeer and perhaps even salmon. Having a food dryer makes it a bit easier than before when drying with an ordinary oven.

Anyone tried some self-dried bananas? Or pineapple? Let alone kiwis? They are so much better than those we all can buy from a grocery store. No added sugar. And the original taste.

Taking all those with me for a snacks. And strawberries & blueberries. In fact all possible berries I am able to prepare for myself.

Not doing anything like that in our summer cottage, though, as the dryer uses electricity. And we don't have any extra of it.

Instead, I did make myself rather good fire lighters - wrapped birchbark. When wrapping birchbark, it goes into third of the original size. Hoping to be able to use these in Norway when lighting a bonfire.

Tip of the day: wrapping a birchbark.
Ingredients: birchbark, hot water (roughly 70C - hot that is)
Put birchbark into the hot water, help it to wrap nicely. Take it off the water and let dry. Outcome should be somewhat as in the picture.

Lovely day at the summer cottage. Doing nothing but relaxing. Very hot, probably almost 25C. Too slight wind for any wind surfing. Not that I would've done that. Decided not to blip the sunset, as I did every day last weekend. Instead, using the setting sun as light source is allowed.

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