Cuddles for Winnie

Today Mum, Dad and I went to Angus' birthday party at Jungle in the City in Partick. My reaction to it was mixed - I loved some things, like the giant Winnie the Pooh and the Ninky Nonk carriage that I spotted across the room, but I didn't really want to play with the other boys and girls or join in with the games. Mum thinks that this is because I was at least a year younger than all the other boys and girls there, so was still a bit too young for the whole joining in thing.

It is sometimes easy to forget that Orla isn't even two yet - in fact it is one month today until her second birthday. It is also very difficult as her parents to judge whether the things she says and does are as incredible as they seem to us, or if they are quite normal for a nearly two-year-old. This month, these are some of the things Orla has learnt to say/do:

Make a triangle with her index fingers and thumbs, and say "triangle" (and identify triangles).

Name colours (red, green, blue, orange, yellow, black, pink, white).

Say things like "where we going?" (whilst in the car), "found it?", "oh, broken it"

Display quite impressive powers of memory, like recognising a castle from a photo having been to one 3 weeks ago, and remembering that she got there by choo-choo train.

Being able to recognise every member of her family in photos and name them all.

And so much more! And in addition to this, we have had a full week of unbroken sleep - hurray! Tonight, I even left the room before Orla was asleep and there were no protests, she just fell straight over. Long may this continue!

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