Scottish Summer

Our long-planned blipmeet today didn't quite go to script - the unusually good Scottish summer weather we have been enjoying came to an abrupt halt, to be replaced with torrential rain and strong winds. Still, Mrs42, All About Lallybroch, Life of Aidan, kerrsmummy, NotNigella, mrsmonochrome and Lonely little petunia braved the elements and turned up at Beecraigs Country Park. Whilst we were waiting in the restaurant for everyone the sun came out, but as soon as we set off on our walk the rain came back on with a vengence! It had stopped raining by the time we got to the play area and much fun was had by all. Orla especially enjoyed splashing in the puddles (copying Wee C - I think there was a bit of adulation going on there on Orla's part!) and playing on the swings. It was a pleasure to meet all the other blipmummies and I hope we can do it again soon - and that next time The Chaos Bros don't have a drama that stops them joining us!

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