Watching the heron

After supper tonight, Bob, Gulliver, and I returned to the boardwalk at North Chagrin Reservation. It was a beautiful evening, I didn't have a blip for the day, and there is no better place to go if you want to blip a heron. And I did! I am pretty sure this is the same heron I blipped yesterday because it is the same location. There were other people watching him too, including another photographer who had set up his reflectors and was photographing a portrait as I arrived. After finishing his portrait, he came over to me for some conversation about the heron, which he had apparently been observing for awhile. I was really pleased with the heron's reflection in this picture, and I also liked the reflection in this one . I think I could stand on that boardwalk and watch the heron for hours. He is a fascinating critter.

As I am typing this, I can hear fireworks booming in the distance and firecrackers popping in the neighborhood. Poor Gulliver is probably cowering in a corner quivering. July 4th has to be his least favorite holiday. For his sake, it is unfortunate that some people think this holiday lasts for the entire week. I hope they stop soon or none of us will get any sleep, and it is time to go to bed. Night Blippers.

PS I hope you don't tire of the heron because it's very likely he'll feature in another blip or two.

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