Cold and frosty first light

I can confirm it was indeed frosty. Puddles had ice in them and the grass and river banks were frozen right to the waters edge.

I'm more of a morning than night person. Even by my standards yesterday's run was early. Mad in fact as I'd forgotten you can't see ice when it's dark. It was worth it though to see dawn break from part way up the hills.

I came back home via the river and it was stunning in the cold muted light, with mist rising off it. Of course I didn't have my camera on me so I made it my mission to capture it this morning.

The mist wasn't as impressive as yesterday but I'm glad to have captured the cold light of crisp, clear winter's day.

The highlight of my day was this afternoon's blip meet of Christhchurch and Canterbury blippers. No blokes but plenty of women. be@nz has a shot of us.

It was fantastic to see blippers I knew and others I didn't. What a fabulous bunch. Next time the men will have to make a show ;-)

Thanks be for your efforts. You're a star.

Only one more big sleep until my photography course. There are at least 4 blippers on it and it's going to be great :-)

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