Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

My Guys... their boots.

Funny old day today. Our practice was burgled last night and I arrived to glass all over the floor and three smashed windows. The burglars may have been disturbed as they don't seem to have taken anything. There was blood on the floor and on the glass though so presumably their karma may have come back to bite them!

I had a clinic full of problems...nothing major, just difficult people needing careful handling. I'm not really used to that any more because the vast majority of my patients in this practice are delightful, easy-going and a pleasure to see. Anyway I felt decidedly out of sorts when I left and the police still hadn't arrived.

But my little man was so pleased to see me when I got home that my equilibrium was soon restored. We had a lovely afternoon just pottering on the swing and the trampoline and walking round and round the garden.

My seven-year-old went straight from school to tea with a friend so we didn't have to rush to pick him up and when he did come home he was in high spirits (and still hungry in spite of eating his friend's mum out of house and home!) so we had a late supper (second supper for one of us!) and the boys are now in bed.

I spotted their boots all lined up earlier and thought how sweet they looked but they weren't in a very good position so I took them out to the decking and photographed them there instead. I think that's called artistic licence :-)

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