Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Self-Conscious Self-Portrait!

I don't do proper self portraits if I can help it. Some people seem to have the knack...but like a lot of photographers I feel happier behind the camera rather than in front of it.

However, I was challenged to try a self-portrait so several self-conscious attempts and a lot of faffing with manual focus and broom handle (to get the right distance!) later here we are. I can't just look at the camera though...I look gormless, so I tried looking at the corner of a picture on the wall opposite.

I processed to bring out the colours of my top, my necklace and my eyes. My husband, when we were courting many years ago, took me out to dinner and, staring across the table at me, took my hand and declared, "You have beautiful eyes...they're...erm...khaki!" It was probably the worst thought out romantic line on record and he hasn't got a great deal better at them over the years. So here, on record is me and my khaki eyes!

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