Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Seeds of an Idea

A tenuous link to this one. I missed the main garden event this afternoon, while roasting some cow in the kitchen. Beloved was feeling below par and spent the afternoon in bed napping. I'd watered the vegetables before starting on the evening's meal and left the hosepipe turned off and uncoiled to save time. Daughter 1 appeared 20 mins later exclaiming that her younger sister had sprayed her with water. A little damp, I judged she would soon dry out in the warm sun. I reprimanded her sister, left strict instructions to leave hosepipe well alone and returned to domestic duties.

The meal was progressing well, so I ventured outside to discover the hosepipe was not left well alone, quite the opposite! Two fully clothed and fully soaked children were now sitting dripping in the flower border, sprinkling dried mud in each other's hair.



5 mins later, both daughters were hosepipe showered and ready to eat. They were showered to cries of 'Don't Daddy it's freezing cold' I was quick to reassure them that if they avoided doing anything so foolish again, I wouldn't need to give them a hosepipe shower again! I hadn't realised that watering vegetables could lead to such things. We all live and learn.

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