The Philosopher's Wife

By philosophywife

A Random 300

You know, sometimes life is kind of random and just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Kind of like a smattering of Reese's peanut butter cups arranged on the kitchen floor.

You spend all this time trying to craft the perfect 300th Blip photo and then say to yourself "Self, screw it! I will use the peanut butter cups in the fridge! Better eat a few first to make sure they're still... um... good."

And after eating some, you have the EXACT amount left to spell out 300.

I mean... that's like a sign or something, right? It must mean something.

(Mostly it means that I had a bunch of peanut butter cups leftover after making my husband's birthday cake). But maybe it also means we shouldn't take things too seriously.

Hello life, I am trying to be more relaxed about you! It is not easy!

Thank goodness I have floor candy and Blip to help me along.

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