Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

knee Bouncers again

Mummy discovered the fantastic website knee bouncers though mummy has nick named it key board trashers and banned me from playing on it for a while, after I turned screen side ways, wiped her google chrome history, ctl/alt/del the comp to a weird setting....
anyway moving swiftly on, mummy found they had a face book fan page she saw a thing about spreading the word of knee bouncers on your home page, and get a free sly cat, so cheeky mummy mentioned she mentioned knee bouncers on here and could she get a free cat just for that!!
the very kind people sent me sly plush cat all the way from america and I love it!!
so a big thank you to the kind people of knee bouncers, cant wait till mummy allows me back on the web site!

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