
By dogwithnobrain

Oh My God, I can't Believe it!

I was sitting here, taking pictures of my iPhone, and the Keyboard, and generality, when I caught was what being said on the TV.

Tooli, was watching the end of "the sex education show". Don't get me wrong I'm all for sex education, and am delighted to say that I am able to discuss everything with the kids, with the upmost honesty, but I turned round to look and they were discussing a woman's body. On screen - on the full wide screen was a perfect shot right up a woman's frontal bottom!! I really didn't need to see that.

She has now flipped to Plus 1, and is watching the whole thing all over again. It is completely brilliant. The presenter, I have no idea who she is, is being totally open and honest and answering every kids questions.

Do you remember Section 6 in Biology at school? The build up to the "big day". The horror and the embarassment. Boys trying to be big about it? I remember one turning round to me afterwards, "So Helen, have you started with this Menstruation cycle yet?".

Didn't do much for me - although after I left school I did go out for a while with the Biology Teacher and all that taught me was that some men are complete and utter gits! And I know there is someone else reading this who will completely agree with me!.

I have always tried to discuss everything with my kids from the minute they started asking questions - and sometimes when they didn't. They know they can ask or tell me anything (I hope), and I'm happy to discuss whatever - but she is getting a hell of a lot of more detail from this programme.

Think actually I better watch it, they are talking about somethings with a group of 16 year olds that I'm not that sure about!

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