Go West.... This is What We'll Do
So, the count down til Boy leaves has begun. I'm spending my days frantically thinking of things that I haven't told him. Wondering if he will cope in a foreign land, without all the things that I should have told him.
Things like, the microwave has a defrost function. No he never knew that, until tonight. Instead of de-frosting, he has been cooking all his frozen meat.
Things like, emptying bins, leaves space for more rubbish to be put in them.
Things like, washing your clothes, makes them clean again. Leaving them on the bedroom floor makes, (a) them dirty, and (b) your bedroom a mess.
How can I convey all these important messages in such a short time.
Every other time he has gone, Jambouree, three weeks, Switzerland, with Scouts Twice, Gran Canary, Belgium, numerous, he has been fine. He has lost along the way 2 cameras, his wallet, a passport, clothes, underwear, but he always comes home in one piece. The loosing I'm not too worried about. He does that here too. Last week, he lost his wallet, and was lucky enough to realise quite quickly, and trace his steps and thanks to someones honesty - got it back. But he said "i probably took it out my pocket and left it on the seat". He thinks that excuses the loss!!!! Wagh!
Anyhows. Tonight, I came home to discover that a plank had managed to blow off the fence. I'm quite particular about my privacy, so I attempted to lean it against the fence, to hide the gap. But the wind kept blowing it down. So what happens? Boy comes out. Boy examines. Boy speaks to Dad on phone for a minute, Then Boy goes to work!.
There was much banging and screwing, and an attempt with the drill. But he did do it, and with no personal damage, and only damage to the "lettuce", which was originally a couple of potato plants!
But he did it. And then posed like something out of Village People for me.
He does make me laugh a lot, and I'm going to have to spend an awful lot of time on Skype waving to him once he's gone.
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