laughing all the while

By laughing

and this is your dog on drugs

Thank you everyone who has kind words about Gracie for me. She is on the road to wellness. She is also on pain meds that make her a bit ?relaxed. Today was tough for me as she had to stay home in a crate. I worried all day that she would struggle and hurt herself further. Lucky for me (and I mean that), I have the worlds most caring husband. He explained to his boss poor Gracies situation and was able to run home for lunch and check on her. He even took video and sent it to my phone so I would not worry too much! What a guy! My boss dr. k also took pity on my basket-case-ness and sent me home a bit early. She knew the steroids would make Gracie have to go the bathroom so she sent me home to take her out. I said it yesterday, but I will say it again. I am blessed.

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