
By cracker


Second day shift today. A couple of calls so far but not much else happening! In my search for a blip today I went out into the engine bay and spotted this! We use it nearly every day but it's not until you stop and look around that you properly notice things! That's one of the things I love about blip!

It is a button that is at the front of the station on the wall and when pushed, makes the back engine bay door come down. It is very useful when we have a call and are the last truck out of the station as the station needs to be locked up with the back door down. We only have 90 seconds once hearing the tones go off to stop whatever we are doing, find out what and where the call is, pull on all our gear, get in the truck and go out the door!

All the little things, like not having to walk to the back of the station to close the back door, mean that we are out the door that little bit quicker, which can mean the difference between life and death in our job.

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