
By tookie

Homecoming Day II

Like a sequel to a great movie, the second full day of having goose and gander back home in Washington has been just as great as yesterday---a bit less drained from anticipation and more subdued. But everyone waking pretty early, desires for an "American" breakfast so to IHOP we went ha ha---the usual stuff and pancakes with every order. Gander exclaimed that he had only order eggs and has browns and goose reminded him of where we were and how EVERY order came with a stack!!!

We did a few errands, came home for more games of farkel for me and gander in which I finally whooped him a couple times...Goosie caught some shut eye and catching up on phone chatting with best buddies and the doggies showed off a bit for gander. Later a lunch of yummy leftovers and then out to get gander a phone again and a trip to the much missed Trader Joes---goose said she felt almost delirious in there with so much sensory overload of foods missed overseas.

Then we dropped goose off to visit a dear childhood friend and too took Gander to a store so he could "touch" an Ipad---Carol--aka Rosie will relate to that:) UPS dropped off an awning I ordered for the deck for sun protection for the welcome home party Sunday --but after watching the dvd on easy installation we begged the guy who repaired the deck to make a special come back trip to do the installation!!! No handy ones in this family ha ha. Day II has been great and I'm still up on cloud nine on a natural high---no peace pipe necessary:)

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