Dr Jones

By jones

Open evening at school

It was 'open evening' at school tonight where parents are invited in to see the children's work.
I very nearly forgot about it and only remembered on the way back from the DIY store. Luckily, we weren't too late. I just love looking at the children's work and seeing the kids sitting with mum and dad proudly showing all their schoolwork.
We've also had all their school reports. These also bring tears to my eyes.
My son, however, needs to be less disruptive in the class. From the very beginning, he has always been the class clown and I thought this would change when he started secondary school. His report says otherwise. The word 'enthusiastic' appeared over a dozen times!

A quote written by the Geography teacher
"A vocal student with lots of character" (= talks too much in class ??)
Nice to know that he engages in the lessons.

He's going away tomorrow and I won't see him for two weeks. I have not been away from him for this length of time before. I've been sort of looking forward to a quiet house without him (because he is quite loud) but now it's the eve of his departure, I'm rather sad that I'll be without his company for a fortnight.

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