Toys, old and new.

Longgggg day. This is sort of a lazy blip.

The part of Toy Story 3 that made me the most sad was that the bitter toys such as the evil strawberry scented bear, were bitter because they had been replaced by new toys. One day the bear was left at a rest stop by mistake and was not intentionally lost. Once he found his way back to his owner he found her with a new strawberry scented bear. It was so sad. That's how him and the scary baby ended up at the day care. I feel like this applies to life. People often get replaced (sometimes by mistake) or lose someone by mistake. Life goes on and replacements come and go. No one wants to be replaced, but it happens. When someone feels unloved, neglegted, or replaced it can turn them into a strawberry scented bear.

After seeing the movie last friday, I came home and I placed my old pooh bear that's rather dirty, that has lost his shirt and was passed on to me from my mom, next to my new pooh bear that I bought in Disney World a couple of months ago. I don't want the old one to feel replaced...

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