On My Doorstep

By bwhere


The circumstance we cause
In time gives rise to us,
Becomes our memory.

From "The daily things we do" by Philip Larkin 1979

Hawaii and its history has given rise to who I am now. It stirs feelings within me, and it helps me make sense of who and what I am.

This bookshelf scene is not random. It is more of a still life. I have assembled things associated with Hawaii that have significance for me.

For instance, the five segment Rudraksha seed on the red cord. It was picked up beneath a tree on the island of Kauai. For Hindus, I believe, it is a "tear of God".

The large hula figurine is an old container for the alcoholic spirit called Okolehao which comes from the root of the Ti (or Ki) plant which was a sacred plant to the Hawaiians of old.

The small hula group (bottom right) remind me of Hula Kahiko, the traditional dance of the Hawaiians, and that I would like to have a front row seat for the yearly Merrie Monarch Festival in Hilo. But that is less and less likely now.

I cannot mention all the books. There is a range, fiction and fact, but the one I would highlight is entitled Ho'oponopono. It is a book about the modern application of an old practice whereby a kahuna or priest would lead a family group through a process of understanding and forgiveness. The word means something similar to "put in order" or to "establish order".

I could go on ...

But I won't. I realise I am talking about a people and practices that are not a part of my heritage so I ask foregiveness if I have misrepresented anything while offering thanks for what I have learnt.

By the way, I dusted this time!

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