Aunty Fernie!!!

We haven't seen Auntie ferinie for a while as she has been poorly so we were very excited to have her visit today. She is a breathe of fresh air and a tornado of madness and we love her for it. I have never meet anyone like her as I doubt that the world could handle 2!!! Jack and Erin adore her and she them. She is one of their earth angels (they are not christened but we wanted them to have special people in their life like godparents) she was chosen (apart from the fact that we love her) for her love of live and the fun she finds in anything and this and her kindness to others is something that I hope my children will aspire to. It was lovely to see her and now she is better we are hoping to make it a weekly catch up again.

Collected our kitten Archie this afternoon. No doubt he will be my blip tomorrow but I thought it was best to let him settle in a bit today before subjecting him to me and the camera. Typically just like every other cat we have owned he has taken to Darren straight away and has spent most ofhis time curled up on his neck or tucked into his leg. Very cute. So once again I get to feed and empty the litter tray and Darren gets cuddles. Pffttt

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