Archie kitten.

Cannot believe how good and what a little cutie this little guy is. He has put up with Jack practically following his every move and being picked up by him without so much as a murmur. Erin hasn't been brave enough to pick him up yet but does like to stroke him and is very gentle bless her. They are very smitten with him and when Erin woke up during the night last night she asked if he was still here. He has the sweetest personality and it is so far so good with my other cats. The oldest one just happened to come home yesterday (he moves out during the summer for some reason), just looked at him and carried on what he was doing. The other male we have has accepted him and they ate dinner together today. The only female we have who was our youngest is the only standoffish one, she has hissed a couple of times and doesn't want to go near him but in the past the ones that have reacted that way are the ones that get on the best in the end. Definately made the right desision I think in adding him to the family.

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