Dr Jones

By jones

A day at the races

The girls spent the whole day at canoe club today because it was race day.
At the end of the day, they were completely worn out. They had competed in lots of races. It was also a very hot, sunny day.
On the way home we stopped at the new(ish) ice cream parlour. I normally only buy the kids an ice cream but today I thought I'd treat myself to an ice cream for a change. I only like vanilla and would you believe it, they were all out of vanilla. What sort of ice cream parlour is that?
In the evening, we went round to the neighbours for a BBQ. The girls are very, very tired now.
This week, it's going to be a girls only house. My son has gone to stay with friends and my husband has flown to Reno for a week (on a jolly with work).

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