Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

The Mummy Bully

Lyra is a bully. Pure and simple. She loves to bully her Mummy. She takes great joy in clambering all over me, giving me big slobbery raspberry kisses and trying to eat me (as demonstrated here).

As you can see. I find it hilarious (though not as hilarious as hubby who was delighted to find the camera nearby during this rare daytime bullying session).

I couldn't understand why she did it until I checked myself during one of my kissing and tickling sessions with her one time and suddenly realised she is doing to me, exactly what I do to her (or at least her interpretation of it. I tend not to dribble on her, or try to consume her chin...)

And when she 'tickles' and 'kisses' me, she makes me laugh, just as much as I make her laugh when I do the same to her.

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