Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number Seven

I don't make Lyra eat her dinner before she eats her pudding...

I just give her everything at the same time. Other mothers have asked, shocked "But what if she eats all her fruit and not her vegetables?" I found myself thinking... "So What!" Although in truth, Lyra eats pretty much everything that is put in front of her. She doesn't distinguish between dinner and pudding because all food is a joy so far as she is concerned.

Here you can see her enjoying a breakfast of boiled egg and strawberries, often both within one mouthful. Heston Blumnthal eat your heart out.

(the look of disdain is because Daddy is yielding a baby wipe. I am pretty sure she is thinking "I hope you're not planning on using THAT thing on ME!")


Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number Six

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